Whether you are undergoing sprain or any other kind of injury, exercising with a Zero Underwater Treadmill could be beneficial. This is a great option if you are suffering from an injury or muscle pain and are unable to perform intense workouts. With underwater treadmill therapy, you are able to regain your lost stamina and flexibility in a quick time.
Water is believed to promote the healing of joints and muscle problems. Zero underwater treadmill therapy is a form of rehabilitation and fitness. The therapy involves a special tank filled with water and treadmill at the bottom which can be used for walking, running and rehab.
A zero gravity underwater treadmill is also a great option for cross-training. It utilizes buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure and resistance of water. Warm water reduces the stress on the muscles and relieves pain substantially. It allows you to run at a lower percentage of your body weight and aids in weight loss.
Portable Underwater Treadmill
Portable underwater treadmill offers a great walking experience for fitness as well as therapy. They are often built into pools and can be removed easily. These treadmills are easily movable by a single person. They are less expensive when compared with high-end underwater treadmills. These can be used in any pool with water depth from 4 feet to 5 feet.
Underwater Treadmill Benefits
Zero Underwater treadmill therapy gives a decent amount of workout for you even if you are not rehabilitating from back, spine, hip or knee pain. Some of the benefits are:
- Helps in weight loss
- Increases your muscle strength
- Helps in reducing blood pressure
- Helps in healing injuries
- Helps in reducing joint stiffness
- Helps to gain conditioned muscles and tissues
- Boosts flexibility
- Improves stamina and decreases fatigue
- Provides cardiovascular benefits
- Improves gait, posture and speed
Healing Properties Of Water
- Buoyancy: When the body is immersed in the water, the water is displaced and creates buoyancy. This offloads the weight of the body, especially the joints. Buoyancy also helps in gradually building muscle strength.
- Hydrostatic pressure: Chronic pain conditions can be effectively healed by hydrostatic pressure.In case of an injury, the hydrostatic pressure reduces swelling and relaxes the muscles. The pressure increases the range of motion as well.
- Resistance: With resistance, the force required to perform the exercises increases. This, in turn, strengthens your muscles. The resistance offered by water will help in reducing musculoskeletal tensions, increases stamina and reduces pain.
- Thermodynamics: The body reacts to the temperature of the water and causes the nerves of the skin to carry impulses into the body. This will increase blood pressure and improve your immune system. Thus leave the body physically and mentally relaxed.
- Turbulence: It helps in blood circulation and relaxation.
Aquatic Underwater Treadmill
Aquatic treadmills are also underwater treadmills that accelerate from 0.1 to 10.0 miles per hour speed. All the exercises, running and walking that you can perform on on-land treadmills can be performed on aquatic treadmills. You burn the same amount of calories by this therapy. The therapy helps in healing musculoskeletal and neurological problems. It can be used to enhance performance, flexibility and endurance.
For best Zero Underwater Treadmill in Richmond, visit RVA Physical Therapy
Direct Access
More information on direct access can be found here: https://www.rvaphysicaltherapy.com/direct-access/